Friday, September 19, 2008

2 Songs About Brian Wilson


What do Mike Love and John Cale both have in common? Almost nothing, except they both wrote awesome songs about Brian Wilson!

Brian Is Back: Rescued from oblivion by the gem packed Endless Harmony Soundtrack, this is a loving, simplistic gesture written for Brian when he finally broke out of his shell and returned to touring with the band. It is as over-the-top cheesy as any Mike Love song should be, but the sincerity and heart far out weighs this. And Carl Wilson is in perfect form, as always. (Amazon Link)

Mr. Wilson: I've been meaning to get around to John Cale's solo career ever since I laid eyes on the cover of Vintage Violence years ago, but for some reason, I'm just getting around to it now. On the heavy recommendation of Kyle over at Tall & Stupid, I picked up Slow Dazzle and was seriously blown away by the opening track, Mr. Wilson. It is an all out ode to Brian's genius, lyrically and musically. Like Mike Love's song, there are name checks to old Beach Boys songs, (amazingly Sunflower's Add Some Music), but here they are worked in artfully. (Amazon Link)

Both songs are excellent, so give them a listen! (Get 'em)

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